The Mind Wobbles

So many things to absorb, think about, deal with and put up with - it simply makes the mind wobble...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Tropical Storm Ernesto

The mess below is Tropical Storm Ernesto as of 5 p.m. EST

In the midst of our own potential hurricane/tropical storm drama here in Miami, I've been watching stuff about last year's Hurricane Katrina and the aftermath of the levees breaking. And I'm furious! The images I've been seeing, not only on the news but also in Spike Lee's documentary "When the Levee Broke" don't belong in the United States! Dead bodies on the street? Mothers having to reuse their babies' dirty diapers while in the "shelter" of the Superdome? What is that? WHERE is that? That's not the U.S.

But it was. And the people - at all levels of government - who due to their incompetence and neglect were responsible for the chaos are still in office.


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