Hello again...
So Happy New Year! YAY! New year, new commitment to Blogging every day! Yeah...no. What can I say? My muse is apparently taking an extended vacation with relatives.
So...a quick update.
I'm alive. I'm alive despite having a cold from hell that tried to kill me over the holidays. I celebrated Noche Buena and New Year's Eve with a fever. But did that keep me from going to parties? Hell no!
Currently I'm mildly obsessed with and wildly amused by the Republican primaries. Seriously - they're a riot.
As some of you may know, I am most definitely not a Republican, but I am a political geek. I've watched *all* the Republican debates - alternately fulminating (Scrabble word!) and cracking up.
I was awake until 3:30 a.m. watching the Iowa Caucus until Carolyn and Edith saved democracy. That's great TV folks!
And then there were four...
You'd think the departure of Perry, Bachmann and Cain (huntsman - not so much) would diminish the hilarity - but no! The fab four are a ton of fun!
Watching Rick Santorum trying to reign in the crazy while still spouting stuff like how women pregnant as a result of rape should make the best of a bad situation is exciting; watching The Strange Case of Doctor Gingrich and Mister Newt is riveting; watching the Mittster pretending hes not rich rich is laugh out loud funny; and watching Ron Paul, god love him, making sense until he doesn't is always entertaining.
I can't wait for tonight's debate on CNN. Will Newt yell at John King again? Will Mitt become a quivering mess if his father's exemplary campaign practices are pitted against his own? Will Santorum finally get that stick out of his butt? Will Ron Paul be allowed to speak?
The excitement!
Maybe I'll come back tomorrow and give you my impressions of tonight's debate. Or not...who knows?
Labels: Getting My Lazy Azz in Gear, I'm Back...Again, Politics
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