American Idol Recap - Hello Dolly!

Let's get to it...
Brooke - Jolene - A fabulous *story* song and a great choice for Brooke - her voice was perfect for it; she looked pretty and it seemed like she "got" the song; for me it was the best performance of the night. Score - 9
David Cook - Little Sparrow - I was really worried about rocker dude; country music is clearly not his genre, let alone Dolly Parton music! I had never heard the song, it's pretty; he did OK but I didn't love it; I didn't like the high notes. But if this is his worst, he'll be just fine. Score - 6
Ramiele - Do I Ever Cross your Mind? - To answer the question in the song title - yes, you do cross my mind Ramiele - and I get a headache. Another song I had never heard; TOOT, TOOT - CHUGGA, CHUGGA, CHUGGA, CHUGGA - TOOT, TOOT...BAM! *This* was the train wreck I was expecting; she was awful, her voice was uneven, she was boring and her outfit didn't work. She needs to GO! Score - 3
Jason - Travelin' Through - He's back! Perfect song for him and he sang it beautifully; his voice was like velvet; he looked wonderful and comfortable and relaxed; triple love him! Score - 8
Carly - Here You Come Again - I love this song and she sang it well; it was a bit slower than I liked but it was good; her voice is wonderful, but OY VEY the outfit! Simon was right - it was hideous. Score - 7
David Archuleta - Smoky Mountain Memories - Are you sitting down? I'll wait while you sit down. Ready? I didn't hate it. Really. I'm as shocked as you are! I had never heard the song but it was pretty and his voice was wonderful; a good arrangement for him. Don't be too scared though, there was one performance by Sanjaya last year that I liked - this is just a blip on the radar, an anomaly in the space-time continuum - he'll probably go back to annoying the crap out of me next week. Score - 8
Kristy - Coat of Many Colors - Are you still sitting? I liked her performance too! I KNOW! WTF? This is a beautiful, beautiful song and she did it justice; you can tell she felt the song and she totally sold it; I think she looked gorgeous - the Joss Stone long dress and barefoot thing worked for her; her best performance so far. Score - 8
Syesha - I Will Always Love You - You knew *somebody* was gonna do it, and it made sense it should be my hometown girl; she too looked beautiful and I loved her hair; excellent song choice for her; I liked that she combined Dolly's soft version and saved the Whitney belting for the very end; and she nailed that high note! Score - 8
Michael - It's All Wrong But It's All Right - Can we please make it a rule that they tell us the names of the frickin' frackin' songs before they are performed? Is it too much to ask Ryan Dorkcrest to do that? Does he not get paid enough? I had to Google this, and on the *Internets* I found "It's All Wrong But It's All Right", but I would have sworn he was saying "It's so wrong but it's so right". In any case I had never heard the song, but it was a good choice for him; I liked the performance and his voice is right for the song. I still don't *get* him, but it was good. Score - 7
Wishes and Predictions:
Who do I want to see leave? Ramiele - IMO, she was the only one that didn't do well.
Who do I think is going to leave? Ramiele
Seriously this could have been soooo much worse. I'm shocked and awed - but in a good way. What did you think?
Labels: American Idol
Ramiele just bores me to death! I want either her or Kristy Lee to leave. I still haven't forgiven KL for Eight Days a Week and last week she did that God Bless the USA song which I absolutely cannot stand -- unlike Simon, I do not think it's brilliant songwriting -- I think it's awful. This week, I kept comparing her to Emmylou Harris, who also does Coat of Many Colors. I'm aware this comparison is unfair. But if I have to choose between KL and Ramiele to leave, I'd choose Ramiele.
Hilda, are you sitting down? For me, for you, nailed this review.
My only criticism was your overly postive review of Syesha. The AI judges were right on this one, she shoulda stuck to the Dolly version and not gone near the Whitney one.
But that was it, everything else was awesome. You're normally only 50% right in your evaluations but last night, I could feel your colors. You so were NOT on a cruise ship or an animal themed amusement park, you nailed it. You're moving on to next week's evaluations.
Okay, so here it goes! I think you hit the Dolly on the...well you know! Most of your observations were spot on!
Ramiele should go home tonight...I say should because as we have seen in the past, she has managed to stay here for how long now? Anyways, good job, the only difference I would make is switching the scores of Jason and Carly!
Anyways, here are my predictions-
- Bottom Three: Ramiele, Syesha, Jason
- Going Home: Ramiele
Hilda, I so look forward to your AI recaps each week.
I love the "WTF!" it totally made me laugh.
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