The Meme of 5

Here's the deal...list five answers for each of the following topics. If you play, let me know...:)
Top Five Rock 'n Roll Hunks
- Joe Perry - Aerosmith
- Jon Bon Jovi - Bon Jovi
- Tico Torres - Bon Jovi (drummer)
- Sting - Matchbox 20
- Bruce Springsteen - the Boss himself
Top Five Housework Quirks
- I don't really do housework anymore (is that a quirk or just lucky?)
- I can't stand using powder dishwasher detergent - the chalky sensation ICK!
- I like ironing but I hardly iron anymore
- I don't sort laundry by color - everything goes in cold water
- I can't stand to see gunk on the stove, I have to wipe it up right away
Top Five Items In Your Closet You (Mostly) Can't Live Without
- My Birkenstocks for wearing in the house
- Tank tops - a new addition to my wardrobe since hot flashes have become a part of my life
- Jeans
- Black V-neck tee shirt
- Black flats
Top Five Foods You Wouldn't Want To Live Without
- Eggplant
- Onion Dip
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Babaghanoush
- Red Wine
Top Five Dumb Things You Do
- Forget to take off my watch before I go to bed, so I have to get out of bed and put the watch on my dresser
- Forget to bring in my cell phone when I go to bed. The thing is if I don't see it in the morning I'll forget it - so I have to get out of bed - again! - go out to the living room and get the damned phone
- When using the laptop or PC at home, I forget to log out of Hubby's profile and into mine, so none of my Web stuff is in the history and I actually have to type the entire URL!
- Forget to take my recyclable bags into the market with me
- Keep Netflix movies at home for months at a time without watching them and instead watch movies on cable
Top Five Superpowers You Want To Have
- Invisibility
- Teleportation
- Being able to do stuff with a nose twitch a la "Bewitched"
- The ability to eat anything that I want without any physical ill effects
- To be able to read super-fast
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