R.I.P George Carlin

He was the voice of a generation that changed the world...and he was a voice deperately needed now.
Godspeed George...keep'em laughing!
Labels: Current Events, Death
So many things to absorb, think about, deal with and put up with - it simply makes the mind wobble...
Labels: Current Events, Death
A comedy club up above has one heck of a headliner tonight!
So the Hippy Dippy Mailman has a new delivery to make...in eternity.
See I missed him. I think I was too young when he became popular and probably wasn't allowed to listen/see him. I know who he is and have since seen him do various bits but he wasn't a big part of my growing up. I guess I need to look at his timeline to understand why he wasn't in my sight lines. Was still sad to hear of his passing.
Bye, George.
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