The Mind Wobbles

So many things to absorb, think about, deal with and put up with - it simply makes the mind wobble...

Friday, September 15, 2006

The Big Red Purse

I am not a *purse person*, much less a *red purse person*. To me purses are purely utalitarian objects and if there was a way I could avoid carrying them, I would. My purses are mostly black with a brown thrown in for good measure.

I wasn't always like that. In my misspent (overspent?) youth, I had shoes in every color and purses to match - which contributed greatly to my former $32,000 credit card debt that thankfully has been completely paid off.

Anyway, I would carry a different purse every day depending on the outfit and shoes I wore. Today I have one black *office purse*, regardless of what I wear, and sometimes I even use it for non-office activities because everything is already in there. When it would die from sheer exhaustion, I would buy a new black office purse and work it to death.

Until yesterday.

Yesterday a "purse lady" was at my office - she set up shop in front of the company cafeteria. I had been telling my husband for a while that I needed a new purse for work, as mine was falling apart after over a year of daily use. Now, my office purse has to be huge because of the ridiculous amount of crap I carry with me every day. I wish "Let's Make a Deal" was still on - I would SO win the part at the end where Monty Hall would give money to people who had weird stuff in their purse.

Seriously, in my work purse in addition to the usual stuff, I carry measuring tape, a set of mini screw-drivers, a corkscrew, a book, a nail care kit, a pill bottle full of over the counter stuff, several packs of mint tea, a stain-remover pen, a bunch of give-away pens, match boxes, old ticket stubs and who knows what else.

So I'm perusing the purses and I see a big red bag that was perfect for my load o' crap - except it was red, not black. I asked the purse lady if she had it in black. She said that it only came in red, but I should get it anyway. I told her I wasn't a red purse kind of girl. Well, she went into full tilt sales mode! She told me that red was the *new black*, that I could wear it with any color because purses didn't have to match anymore! Is that true? When did that happen? And then she tells me, "You're young, you can carry a red purse". Well that was it! What can I say? She had me at "you're young"!

So I bought this beautiful big red purse for $35 (original price was $50). And now it's sitting in my bedroom, looking at me. Daring me to use it. Will I?

I don't know.


Blogger Dixie said...

You use that red purse and revel in it. I have deep respect and admiration for people who carry red purses because it means they know they don't have to be trapped into the mundane.

I used to be an huge purse freak but when I moved to Germany and stopped having to go to an office I got out of the purse habit 'cause I'm not away from home long enough to have to carry half of it with me. Now I carry a small courier bag type of thing that can be worn over my shoulder leaving me hands free and able to keep the rampant pickpockets at bay because it hangs to the front of me. I love it.

I love that you remember Let's Make A Deal like I do. :)

9:12 AM  
Blogger Karoda said...

Hi Hilda! getting your email was such a treat that I jumped right over here. I'm a blog addict so I'll add your blogs to my blogroll and feel free to check on my comings and goings...mainly quilt/art related though at

and as always, peace! oh, and you might want to add word verification to keep spam#ers at bay in your should be an option in your blog template.

5:18 PM  
Blogger Cristina said...

WOW! A Red purse. Go for it girl! Wear it with gusto!
One of my goals is to add color to my wardrobe. I have been trying to do this slowly for the past year. My entire closet was so dark! It's not easy but I'm trying. I actually have orange and yellow tops now. Granted, I have only worn them each once but they are in the closet in a size that fits. It's only a matter of time.

Use the red purse with confidence :) you savvy fashion-girl you! :)

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I google big red purse because I just bought one in Fla. Response has been fabulous. Always make a statement. And I am not young.

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am laughing because I bought a red Guess purse back in November and since it has been staring back at me while the mental battle goes back and forth telling me to use then telling me not to. After reading this and the preceding comments I think I just might tear that tag off of it this weekend and take it for a stroll!

6:28 AM  

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