Democratic Convention - Tuesday Night

A great night!
Hillary was phenomenal! She looked fantastic (not too many people can pull off *orange*!), she spoke flawlessly, said everything she had to say and then some. Her reference to Harriet Tubman, seemingly out of nowhere, was perfect, hell she even said she was McCain's friend.
Her most important point, of course, was - and I'm paraphrasing - "were you in this for me, or for the cause"? That, at the end of the day, is what is most important. The candidate is merely the tool, what matters are the ideals, the values, the people.
Also, despite all that has been said about her and Bill's relationship - if you watched him watch her, how do you not see love? It's a relationship I don't understand, but time and time again, I see genuine love between them.
In addition to Hillary there were other high points:
- Kucinich was great - his enthusiasm, his ideals, his belief in the possibilities is inspiring - "Up with health care for all! Up with education for all! Up with home ownership! Up with guaranteed retirement benefits! Up with peace! Up with prosperity! Up with the democratic party! Up with Obama/Biden! Wake up America! Wake up America!"
- The Women of the Senate segment was awesome - we really have some astounding, talented women in the Senate - I liked them all
- Governor Brian Schweitzer from Montana was a blast! He energized the crowd and in a plain spoken way hit all the important points about the need for energy independence
Another great night. As James Carville (who I love!) said: "It's a great night to be a Democrat!".
Labels: 2008 Presidential Elections
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