Democratic Convention - Wednesday Night

Another great night!
During the Roll Call we witnessed history being made, when the votes cast - in a convention where more than 50% of the participants are women - were either for a black man or for a woman! Think about that - and then contrast it to what the Roll Call at the Republican convention will probably look like.
And then Barack Obama was nominated by acclamation as called for by Hillary Clinton! The crowd roared and the music started: "People all over the world (everybody)... Join hands (join)...Start a love train, love train...".
I truly believe the party is united now.
During the Roll Call we witnessed history being made, when the votes cast - in a convention where more than 50% of the participants are women - were either for a black man or for a woman! Think about that - and then contrast it to what the Roll Call at the Republican convention will probably look like.
And then Barack Obama was nominated by acclamation as called for by Hillary Clinton! The crowd roared and the music started: "People all over the world (everybody)... Join hands (join)...Start a love train, love train...".
I truly believe the party is united now.
And then the "minor" speeches began - my highlights: the Women of the House of Representatives; Miami's Mayor Manny Diaz; the phenomenal Madeline Albright; the charming Evan Bayh; John Kerry, still so brilliant and well-spoken; and Joe Biden's handsome son introducing his father with so much love.
Melissa Etheridge sang, strong and clear - she sang a medley comprised of "God Bless America", "The Times They Are A-Changin'", "Give Peace a Chance" and "Born In the U.S.A." - as always she rocked!
Then there was Bill. He's still got it. He looked great and he said what he had to say and what we needed to hear. And he did it with his usual wit and charm. I miss him.
And finally the speech of the night - after being unanimously nominated Joe Biden accepted the nomination for Vice President. Michelle, Hillary and about a hard act to follow! His speech was like him - gritty, funny, a couple of misspeaks but most importantly heartfelt and honest. He's the perfect counterpoint to Obama's smooth style.
Even Obama showed up at the very end - he looks rested and ready and happy.
Each night of the convention I feel more optimistic and more inspired. Tomorrow night will be the culmination when Barack Obama accepts this historic and timely nomination.
I can't wait.
Labels: 2008 Presidential Elections
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