Christmas Meme

You know the drill - if you want to answer the meme let me know in my Comments.
- Wrapping paper or gift bags? If I can get away with a bag, then definitely a bag - I'm the world's worst wrapper.
- Real tree or artificial? Table-top artificial
- When do you put up the tree? We try for the second weekend of December
- When do you take the tree down? Well, this past Christmas we took it down in March!
- Do you like eggnog? Yes, I love it!
- Favorite gift received as a child? So many...I'll go with my Easy Bake Oven
- Hardest person to buy for? My father -in-law
- Easiest person to buy for? My husband
- Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, several. My mother used to collect them - she has over 200 from all over the world.
- Mail or e-mail Christmas cards? Mail, but we're not sending Christmas cards this year
- Worst Christmas gift you ever received? The plethora of pajamas I used to get as a kid, that's why I never buy clothes for children.
- Favorite Christmas Movie? A Christmas Story
- When do you start shopping for Christmas? This year I started at the end of October.
- Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Absolutely! I see nothing wrong with that.
- Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Cuban-style roast pork
- Lights on the tree? Yes, twinkly and multi-colored
- Treetop: Angel, star or something else? Angel
- Favorite Christmas song? "O Holy Night"
- Travel at Christmas or stay home? Both
- Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yes
- Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? I prefer Christmas Eve
- Most annoying thing about this time of the year? We've gotten ourselves into a vicious cycle where we worry too much about buying gifts
- Favorite ornament theme or color? I like all types of ornaments and a mish-mosh tree, no specific theme or color
- Do you make a Christmas wish list? Yes
- What do you want for Christmas this year? Shockingly nothing in particular - that *never* happens.
Now it's your turn!
Labels: Christmas, Holidays, Meme, NaBloPoMo 2008
Nifty! Feliz Navidad and etc!
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