American Idol Recap - Top 9 - Popular Downloads

Anoop – Usher’s Caught Up - I don’t know the song; he looks good but the song isn’t a good choice because it’s not really “singable”; actually I don’t like the song; he looks pissed – I think he’s trying to be “gangsta” and it’s just not working. My score: 6
Megan – Bob Marley’s Turn Your Lights Down Low – good song; she looks beautiful; I know a lot of people don’t like her, but I really do; her voice is weird but interesting; I don’t know how long she’ll last, but I liked the performance. My score: 8
Danny – Rascal Flatt’s What Hurts the Most – I don’t know the song but it doesn’t matter, I love this performance; he sang the hell out of the song; Danny’s back! My score: 9
Allison – No Doubt’s Don’t Speak – Great song; hate the outfit!; I don’t like the arrangement, it seems like it’s too low for her; the guitar is irrelevant, this song doesn’t need a guitar, it’s a prop; I really didn’t like this. My score: 6
Scott – Billy Joel’s Just the Way You Are – Really? All the songs he could pick and he picked *this* song? I know, I know, it’s a good song, it’s a classic, but not the most exciting choice; as usual his piano playing is great, but his voice is just not there; he yelled where it didn’t belong; train wreck. My score: 5
***Flubbed Technical Music Reference Alert*** - Paula, whether or not an orchestra is part of the arrangement has nothing to do with whether or not it was “more legato”, which means “musical notes are played or sung smoothly without interruptions between notes”.
Matt – The Fray’s You Found Me – Great song, bad performance; I barely recognized the song; well, at least he wasn’t boring, he was just bad. My score: 5.
Lil – Celine Dion’s I Surrender – I don’t know the song probably because I avoid Celine Dion like the bubonic plague; Lil looked beautiful and her voice was fantastic, but as with most of Celine’s songs, it’s too “shouty”; while technically strong, I found the performance boring. My score: 7
Adam – Wild Cherry’s Play That Funky Music – fantastic song!; he messed around with the arrangement again, but he kept the chorus intact, so I can handle it; he looked and sounded fantastic; he’s growing on me; the performance was good but I wouldn’t download it, I’ll stick to the original - yes I'm old. My score: 8
***Flubbed Pop Reference Alert*** - Ummm…Kara honey, it was Studio 54, not 57!
Kris – Bill Withers' Ain’t No Sunshine – Fantastic song, fantastic performance!; he totally brings it without any bells and whistles, he just sings beautifully; he’s cute as hell; now, see – compare this performance to Scott’s both performed a ballad on a piano, but Kris was anything but boring. The performance of the night! My score: 9
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