The Mind Wobbles

So many things to absorb, think about, deal with and put up with - it simply makes the mind wobble...

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Language Week 2007

¡Hola! Dixie Peach turned me on to Language Week 2007, click on the link for the details. So, yeah, I'm up for it - but I'll be cheating. Unlike Dixie, who will be writing in a language that was truly foreign to her, I will be writing in Spanish which in reality is as primary a language to me as English.

Technically it starts tomorrow, but I'll start today.
Mi amiga Dixie me informó sobre un reto donde del lunes 25 de junio al viernes 29 de junio tengo que escribir en mi Blog en un idioma que no sea inglés. Por supuesto escogí español, pues me es muy fácil.

Aunque nací en New York, mi primer idioma - y el único que hablé hasta los 6 años cuando empecé en el colegio – es el español. Me siento perfectamente cómoda hablando, leyendo y escribiendolo. Mis padres y mi escuela primaria hicieron hincapié en que lo aprendiera completamente. Gracias a esos esfuerzos, además de poder desenvolverme completamente en dos idiomas, tengo un negocio secundario donde hago traducciones – en ambas direcciones - profesionalmente.

Durante la semana escribiré un par de párrafos en español todos los días.

TRANSLATION: My friend Dixie told me about a challenge that involves my writing in my Blog daily - between Monday June 25th and Friday June 29th - in a language other than English. Of course I chose Spanish because it is very easy for me.

Even though I was born in New York, my first language - the only one I spoke until I was 6 years old and went to school - was Spanish. I feel perfectly comfortable speaking, reading and writing it. My parents and my elementary school made a point that I learn the language completely. Thanks to those efforts, not only am I able to fully function in two languages, I have a side business where I do translations - in both directions - professionally.

During the week I'll write a couple of paragraphs in Spanish every day.



Blogger srah said...

Great! Thanks for participating! BTW, Me Talk Pretty One Day is one of my favorite books. I hope you enjoy it!

9:26 PM  
Blogger Toni Lea Andrews said...

Ow-hay ubout-ay ig-pay atin-lay?

12:47 PM  
Blogger Dixie said...

Oh I love that you're doing this! I really do wish I could remember the Spanish I spent six years learning. My pathetic Spanish speaking abilities is proof positive that if you don't use it, you'll lose it.

2:48 PM  

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