The Mind Wobbles
So many things to absorb, think about, deal with and put up with - it simply makes the mind wobble...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Book Review - "Eclipse" by Stephenie Meyer (Spoilers)

Labels: Book review
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Lola Shuffle - The "Non-Suspended" Edition

Suffice it to say..."I call shenanigans"!
Lola shuffle us up a good selection for tonight's debate or non-debate!
- Mamma Mia - ABBA
- 's Wonderful - Sarah Vaughn
- Dirty Little Secret - The All-American Rejects
- Casey Jones - Grateful Dead
- Start Me Up - Rolling Stones
- 1985 - Bowling for Soup (This song cracks me up)
- Smile - Lily Allen
- Easy Come, Easy Go - Bobby Sherman (YAY! Bobby Sherman!)
- Allentown - Billy Joel
- Message in a Bottle - The Police (FYI...this is one of my best numbers in Guitar Hero - really!)
Have a great weekend kids...whatever you do, don't suspend your fun!
Labels: The Lola Shuffle
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Bail Out

My problems with "the plan" as presented by Paulson and Bernake:
- The lack of accountability and oversight for which Paulson and company are asking
- It needs a solution for people who are losing their homes - I like the idea of a moratorium on foreclosures
- I don't want golden parachutes for executives who basically messed up in doing their jobs
Labels: Current Events, Politics, Stuff that Makes Me Crazier
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Lola Shuffle - The "I Can't Come Up with a Good Edition Name" Edition

Sorry - I got nuthin' creative juices must've dried up with all the cold meds I took earlier this week when I got the stealth-cold from hell.
I have no special plans for the weekend, except stopping by the new Obama headquarters and checking it out. Other than that, there will probably be baseball (there's soooooo much baseball!) games watched and football games watched, and maybe a movie or two.
Oh, Sunday I'm going out to dinner with friends...that'll be nice.
OK Lola...hit it...
1) Irreplaceable - Beyonce
2) Dancing in the Street - Mick Jagger and David Bowie
3) Magical Mystery Tour - The Beatles
4) Falling in Love Again - Marlene Dietrich
5) Philadelphia Freedom - Elton John
6) Tequila - Beau Jocque
7) The Times They Are A-Changin' - Bob Dylan
8) Over the Rainbow - Eva Cassidy (my favorite version of this song)
9) Movin' Out - Billy Joel
10) You Can Leave Your Hat On - Joe Cocker (Love, love, love this sexy)
Have a great weekend everyone!
Labels: The Lola Shuffle
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Thought for the Weekend
Labels: Random Stuff
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Lola Shuffle - The "Bleh" Edition

So Lola, I'm leaving it up to you to get this party started...
- You Were Meant For Me - Jewel
- Kiss - Tom Jones
- On An Evening in Roma (Sott'er Celo De Roma) - Dean Martin
- Mambo - Cachao Lopez
- You Are My Sunshine - Norman Blake ("O Brother, Where Art Thou?" soundtrack)
- Walking in the Rain - Erasure
- Dark Road - Annie Lennox
- Levon - Elton John
- Carry on Wayward Son - Kansas
- The Old Songs - Barry Manilow
Have a great weekend everyone. Please think a good thought for the Texas Gulf coast, it's looking pretty scary for them right now...hopefully they'll be spared as we were last week.
Labels: The Lola Shuffle
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Book Review - "New Moon" by Stephenie Meyer (spoilers)

I am bothered by Bella's willingness to lose herself for her first love at the age of 17. I'm bothered by her recklessness and lack of self-preservation because he's gone. I'm bothered by the fact that she hasn't told her parents about Edward being a vampire. The parents are portrayed as hapless caricatures who need to be taken care of by Bella. I don't like that these are traits attributed to a heroine with which teen-aged girls are supposed to identify.
But then again, I'm 45 not 16. I'm probably over-thinking it.
Now, from a writing perspective, I found the first part of the book - the part where she's depressed - to be way too long. OK, she's sad - we get it! That section could have been edited a lot and made the book less plodding.
IMO, without Edward the story loses a lot of its appeal. Basically I don't really like Bella, particularly when she's without Edward. She's boring and self-centered and pretty much annoying. And she's one dimensional - to borrow from "Jerry McGuire", Edward *completes her*.
I found the Jacob Black character to be a forced complication. His presence in Bella's life is completely unnecessary, as evidenced when Edward finally returns on the scene and Black disappears for a while. I didn't care. I didn't miss him, and was somewhat disconcerted upon his return.
The story picked up considerably when Alice reappears and the eventual return of Edward begins. I think Alice is a fascinating character with a great back story and potentially many layers. The introduction of the Volturi was cool - I think that's going to be an interesting component to the series.
And finally we see the Cullen family again. I love them. I hope we get to learn more about the other family members as the series progresses. At this point, as far as I'm concerned the series can focus on them and leave Bella with Jacob!
I've started Eclipse, let's see how that goes.
Labels: Book review
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Too Close for Comfort

Labels: Hurricanes
Friday, September 5, 2008
The Lola Shuffle - The "I Don't Like Ike" Edition

Yeah - so, it's not looking pretty right now for South Florida. The picture above indicates what I call (among other names) the "Cone of Confusion" and it pretty much sucks.
So Lola...give me some good weather love...maybe something by Tina Turner since she kicked Ike's ass...
- Boy - Erasure
- It's Been a Long, Long Time - Bing Crosby
- Tabu - Desi Arnaz (Dixie - for you! Totally random!)
- Livin' La Vida Loca - Ricky Martin
- Thunder Road - Bruce Springsteen (thunder - funny Lola)
- Come Together - The Beatles
- American Idiot - Green Day (the day after McCain's speech - how apropo!)
- It Ain't Me Babe - Bob Dylan (probably my favorite Dylan song)
- Don't Stand So Close to Me - The Police
- Knock Three Times - Tony Orlando and Dawn (What? Yes I have Tony Orlando and Dawn on my iPOd! You wanna make something of it? Huh?)
Seriously, right now it's looking pretty scary for South Florida. Please think a good thought for us.
Have a great weekend!
Labels: Current Events, Hurricanes, The Lola Shuffle, What? Me stressed?
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I got this from a friend via e-mail...what fun!
Copy and paste, then "bold" all the things you've done
Gone on a blind date
Skipped school
Been to Canada
Been to Mexico
Been to Florida
Been on a plane
Been lost
Been to Washington, D.C
Swam in the ocean
Cried yourself to sleep
Played cops and robbers
Recently colored with crayons
Sang Karaoke
Paid for a meal with coins only
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
Made prank phone calls
Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose or spit out your mouth
Caught a snowflake on your tongue
Danced in the rain
Written a letter to Santa Claus
Been kissed under the mistletoe
Watched the sunrise with someone you care about
Blown bubbles
Gone ice-skating
Been skinny dipping outdoors
Gone to the movies
Now answer these questions...
1. Any nickname? No
2. Mother's name? Beba (Hilda)
3. Favorite drink? Water
5. Body Piercing? Yes, ears
6. How much do you love your job? A lot
7. Birthplace: New York, NY
8. Favorite vacation spot? Cruise
9. Ever been to Africa? No
10. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? Yes
11. Ever been on TV? Yes
12. Ever steal a traffic sign? No
13. Ever been in a car accident? Yes
14. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? I don't drive
15. Favorite salad dressing? Something Asiany
16. Favorite pie? Sweet Potato
17. Favorite number? 6
18. Favorite movie? Too many to list
19. Favorite holiday? Christmas
20. Favorite dessert? Something with fruit
21. Favorite food? many
22. Favorite day of the week? Friday
23. Favorite brand of body wash or soap? don't have one
25. Favorite smell? Onions being fried
26. What do you do to relax? watch TV
27. How do you exercise? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
28. How do you see yourself in 10 years? No idea
29. Furthest place you will send this message? I'm putting it on my Blog, so who knows!
If you want to play let me know in my comments...
Labels: Meme
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
YAY! A Meme of One - One Thing I Regret
It's been forever since I posted a meme. So now, I'm going to do a bunch of them in a row. I got this from Tere over at A Mom, A Blog, and the Life In Between, only she did them all in one shot, I'm going to string them out...if you want to do any of them, let me know in my comments please!
1. Not taking better care of my health when I was younger
Labels: Meme
Monday, September 1, 2008
YAY! A Meme - Two Things You Want To Do Before You Die
It's been forever since I posted a meme. So now, I'm going to do a bunch of them in a row. I got this from Tere over at A Mom, A Blog, and the Life In Between, only she did them all in one shot, I'm going to string them out...if you want to do any of them, let me know in my comments please!
1. See as much of the world as possible
2. Ride a hot-air balloon over vineyards
Labels: Meme