If you haven't read my recaps before here's the deal - these are my wholly subjective, thoroughly meaningless, untrained musings on the "I don't want to watch but somehow I have to watch" TV phenomenon that is American Idol.
I have absolutely no business judging any of these people because I have no musical training or talent *whatsoever* - not that this lack of knowledge or ability stops me from singing often and loudly - but hey! they put themselves up there, so I judge them and mock them. It amuses me.
Because it's the first recap first I'll give you my opinion of them based on prior shows and then after the double-dash " - - " and song title, I'll comment specifically on Tuesday night's performances. In the upcoming weeks I'll only comment on the performances. Here we go...
Lil Rounds - The One That Can Sing: She's really good, probably the best pure singer, but I don't think she can win - - "The Way You Make Me Feel": great song; don't like the outfit; I didn't love the performance because it was to shouty; but again, the girl can sing. My score: 7
Scott Macintyre - The Blind Guy: Nice guy, nice enough voice, but I don't think he'd be in the Top 13 if he wasn't blind - sorry! - - "Keep the Faith": Don't know the song; don't like the song, it's to "revival-ly"; he looks comfortable behind the piano and seems to play it well; too shrieky; boring. My score: 5
Daniel Gokey - The Widower Guy: This is my guy, he's my early prediction to win the whole shebang! - - "P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)": I love this guy! He sang a great song and gave it a bit of a new spin; looked great and comfortable on stage; excellent! My score: 9
Michael Sarver - The Oil Rig Guy: Adorable big teddy bear of a guy, even though he insists he's not "country" I still get a Rascal Flatts vibe from him - - "You Are Not Alone": pretty song; he looks cute; he sang it sweetly in good voice; seemed comfortable; I liked it. My score: 8
Jasmine Murray - The Pretty Little Girl: She's cute as a button and seems very sweet but IMO she has no business being in the top 13 - - "I'll Be There": beautiful song, she looks gorgeous, she sang fine, but the song was too old for her. My score: 6
Kris Allen - The Cute One: He's cute and he has a good voice, I think he'll get the teen girl vote, he'll be around for a while - - "Remember the Time": He's frickin' adorable! Weird song choice if he wanted to play the guitar; he was OK. My score: 6
Allison Iraheta - The "Oh My God She's Only 16!" One: I know she can sing, I know everybody is raving about her but so far I'm "just not feelin' her Dawg" - - "Give In To Me": I don't know the song and I don't like it, but it doesn't matter, she *rocked it*! *now* "I'm feelin' her"; she looked great and gave a great performance. My score: 8
Anoop Desai - The Indian Guy: I really like him; he has a good voice, good stage presence and a great personality, I think he'll be around for a while - - "Beat It": Well, after this performance, I *don't* necessarily think he'll be around for a while unless his personality carries him through; I was really disappointed; his voice was uneven; I didn't like the outfit; it didn't work. My score: 6
Jorge Nuñez - The Puerto Rican: I'm happy he's there because we needed someone from the Puerto Rico audition and it COULDN'T have been Tatiana (full-body shudder); he has a good voice a la Marc Anthony but I don't think he'll last too long - - "Never Can Say Goodbye": great song, he sounded good, but "She's Out of My Life" would have been a better choice for his old school love ballad crooner style; I liked his performance. My score - 7
Megan Corkrey - Tattoo Girl: I like her a lot, she's my favorite girl in the top 13; I like the Duffy vibe; I hope she's around for a while - - "Rockin' Robin": IMO the perfect song for her, in fact when I was thinking of who should sing what, I paired this song with her!; she looked beautiful and sounded great; although we could have done without the "caw caw" at the end (!), I disagree with the judges. My score: 8
Adam Lambert - Broadway Guy: I like him a lot; top 3 material IMO - - "Black or White" - he nailed it! Perfect song for his over the top style; looked good, sounded good, he owned the stage. My score: 9
Matt Giraud - The Boring Guy: Bleh...I got nothing for this guy - - "Human Nature" - (yawn) OK, now that I saw him perform, I've still got nothing; a fantastic song, but the performance didn't do it for me *at all*; the piano was "whatever", the vocal gymnastics unnecessary; ummm...yeah...no! My score: 5
Alexis Grace - The Blonde: I don't get all the hoopla, yes she can sing well, but I don't really remember her for anything but the purple streak in her hair - - "Dirty Diana": OK, *now* I get all the hoopla! The girl can wail! Wow! I'd never heard the song but I loved it! She looked amazing and turned in a great performance. My score: 9Who do I think *they'll* send home?
Jorge and Megan
Who do *I* think should go home?
Scott and Matt
What do you think?
Labels: American Idol