Turn Off the Lights!

Labels: Current Events, Environment
So many things to absorb, think about, deal with and put up with - it simply makes the mind wobble...
Labels: Current Events, Environment
Hmmm...there were two dancing songs and one kissing song in the shuffle today - clearly Lola is ready for the weekend! Have a great one - and maybe get some dancing and kissing in there if you can...:)
Labels: The Lola Shuffle
Labels: American Idol
(Thanks to South Florida Daily Blog for the "death toll" image)
Labels: Current Events, Death, Politics, Stuff that Makes Me Crazier
I was disappointed by Marjane Satrapi's follow up to the two volume Persepolis. In Embroideries, the setting is an after-dinner tea party between several women of different ages telling their stories abut love and sex. The potential is fantastic to really delve into the beliefs and traditions surrounding these topics. Bit rather than tell the complete stories with depth, she merely flits over them, so that you get a taste but little substance. She tells the stories of about 7 women in 144 pages, but not narrative pages, comic-book style pages - this, like "Persepolis", is a graphic novel as well.
While the story left a lot to be desired, the drawings are wonderful. In this book, Satrapi didn't use the panel frames she uses in Persepolis, and that are common in graphic novels, the drawings are all over the page, less constrained.
I'll still read her other book about Iran, Chicken with Plums and hope that she's returned to her evocative story-telling.
I would recommend the book only to Satrapi fans.
Labels: Book review
Labels: Cuban Stuff, Current Events, Death, music
I got this from my Aunt via e-mail. Yes, it's chock full of stereotypes and generalizations - but it's not mean spirited.
Labels: Cuban Stuff
I stayed home today, that's why Lola's late...we slept in.
Good job Lola. Have a happy - and if it applies to you blessed - Easter!
Labels: The Lola Shuffle
I really enjoyed The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner. In the book Weiner, an NPR correspondent, travels across the world to understand why people are happy or unhappy. In the process he ponders on his own happiness or lack thereof. You will do the same when you read it.
Far from a dry, scholarly sociology study, the book is totally readable and at times very, very funny. In addition to the "happiness studies" we learn a little history and a lot of culture about the various countries. We also get to know some of the people Weiner meets as he investigates his topic, and in some cases you start to care about them.
The happiest countries may not be the ones you expect and the reasons for their happiness may also come as a surprise.
This is one of those books that I highlighted and wrote on the margins - there's a lot of good information and common-sense wisdom.
I definitely recommend the book.
Labels: Book review
Labels: American Idol
Given my background, my politics, and my professed values and ideals, there will no doubt be those for whom my statements of condemnation are not enough. Why associate myself with Rev. Wright in the first place, they may ask? Why not join another church?
And I confess that if all that I knew of Rev. Wright were the snippets of those sermons that have run in an endless loop on the television and YouTube, or if Trinity United Church of Christ conformed to the caricatures being peddled by some commentators, there is no doubt that I would react in much the same way.
But the truth is, that isn't all that I know of the man. The man I met more than 20 years ago is a man who helped introduce me to my Christian faith, a man who spoke to me about our obligations to love one another; to care for the sick and lift up the poor.
He is a man who served his country as a U.S. Marine, who has studied and lectured at some of the finest universities and seminaries in the country, and who for over thirty years led a church that serves the community by doing God's work here on Earth -- by housing the homeless, ministering to the needy, providing day care services and scholarships and prison ministries, and reaching out to those suffering from HIV/AIDS.
Labels: Current Events, Politics
This week needs to be over. Now.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend - just ignore the thunder cloud over my head.
Labels: Crappy Mood, The Lola Shuffle, Welcome to my life, What? Me stressed?
It's that time again boys and girls - American Idol Recap! YAY! OK, settle down.
Since this is the first recap I'll add my opinion of the performers as well as nicknames I've assigned to some of them, in addition to reviews of the specific performances. Also, this season I'm going to rate the performances on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being perfect.
First of all the Lennon-McCartney Songbook - we're talking musical gold, every singer's dream, enough stylistic variety so that everyone can shine, right? Apparently, not so much.
Let's get started...
Syesha (Poufy Girl) - I like her and I like her voice and she's a home-girl from South Florida, but she seems to be taking the safe route the way Melinda was doing last year. She can and should do more. She sang Got to Get You Into My Life - it was fine, but she could have chosen a better song; too much Whitney-style yelling for my taste and the low notes sort of disappeared; the arrangement was blah. Score: 5
Chikezie (no nickname necessary the man's name is Chikezie for heaven's sake!)- I've always thought he has a beautiful voice but was boring - until tonight! He sang She's a Woman, a song with which I'm barely familiar but he knocked it out of the ball park! It was awesome! I will download it from iTunes. It had elements of roots music, blues, rock and roll - excellent! Score: 8
Ramiele (Asian Chick) - What has happened to this child? When I first saw her at the top 24 show, I loved her. I thought she might win the whole thing but she is getting more and more boring. She sang one of my all-time favorite Beatles song In My Life, but she bored me to tears with it. This is an incredibly emotional, deep song and she just blah...Score: 4
Jason (Dread Boy) - Jason is my favorite this season by far. I think he's genuine, he has a beautiful voice, a beautiful face and a beautiful spirit to him. He looks like a really nice guy. He sang If I Fell. This is not one of my favorites of the selections but it's OK. He did a good job with it but he could have dome better. The arrangement was interesting but he had some rough patches in the vocals. Score: 7
Carly (Irish Girl) - She has a beautiful voice and I like her style. She sang Come Together and I think she did a fantastic job with it. Her voice was strong and it was just cool...Score: 9
David Cook - (Rocker Dude) - He's weird, but he can sing. He sang Eleanor Rigby, a difficult song and his voice was strong. I'm concerned he's going to fall into the Chris Daughtry trap (granted it's worked for Daughtry now) where he makes *everything* hard rock and that can get really old really fast. We'll see...Score: 8
Brooke (Goldilocks) - OK, I don't like this girl, she's too sweet - bad for my diabetes - and the whole "I haven't seen an R rated movie" thing makes my head hurt, but...she was great last night. She sang Let It Be beautifully. It's an amazing song to begin with, and she did the right thing, she didn't mess with it. Its beauty lies in its simplicity and she allowed for that rendering her performance genuine and heartfelt - perfect. Score: 10
David Hernandez (Stripper Dude - puh-leeze don't pretend you don't think it!) - What happened to him? He has a great voice and a great look but tonight he was awful! He sang I Saw Her Standing There and slaughtered it! He should have been able to handle it, but he was too over the top, really bad. Score: 4
Amanda (Scary Rocker Chick) - She had her ups and downs getting to the Top 12, but I think she'll be OK from now on. I still hate the hair, but I did lie the outfit and she seems to be getting more comfortable on stage. She sang You Can't Do That and it was awesome. Her voice was great, the arrangement was great, she totally channelled Janis Joplin! Score: 9
Michael (Australian Dude) - You know, his voice is good, he's good looking, but I just don't "feel him, dawg". There's nothing particularly wrong with him, he just hasn't clicked for me. He sang Across the Universe, an unusual but IMO great song - yet I found his performance boring. Score: 6
Kristy (Horse Chick) - I haven't liked her all along, her voice is fine but I think she's boring. However, last night she sang 8 Days a Week *country style*! OHMYGOD! NO, NO, NO! (did y'all hear someone screaming NO, NO, NO last night? That was me.) You do not *countrify* the frickin' frackin' Beatles. Just NO. Score: 2
David Archuleta (Annoying Kid) - OK, I know, I know, *everybody* loves "Little David". Everyone except me. So there, I said it. Yes, he absolutely has a great voice, among the best in the competition, but the whole "golly, gee, do you really like me?" schtick bugs me to no end. Sorry people I didn't drink the Archuleta kool aid! Last night, however, America got the opportunity to notice that the emperor has no clothes. In other words, he ain't all that. He butchered We Can Work It Out. He killed it, it's dead. And HE MESSED UP THE WORDS!!! He's in the Top 12 singing The Beatles (and puh-leeze, he doesn't know The Beatles - stop it!) and he messed up the words. You *know* that if he weren't America's Sweetheart, Simon would have sliced him up, put him between two slices of bread and had him for a snack. But nooooo, they were nice to him! ACK! Score: 2
Wishes and Predictions:
Who do I want to see leave? Can you guess? Kristy and David Archuleta
Who do I think is going to leave? Kristy and David Hernandez
So - what are your thoughts?
Labels: American Idol
GUESSERS: NO Googling/using IMDB search functions. I mean, you can cheat if you want, but that's no fun? One movie guess per human allowed in the comments.
Aaaaaaand...ACTION!I won't tag anyone, just play along in my comments!
Today is International Women's Day, and this year's theme is "Shaping Power". To me that means, "OK, we've fought long and hard for power as women - now what do we do with it?".
I consider myself a feminist, but not in the militant way so many preconceive feminists to be. Don't get me wrong, I respect those women who are militant feminists - we need them. And I am grateful for the strides made by the Gloria Steinems and Bella Abzugs of the world - who bravely went where no woman had gone before. But that's not me.
The way I choose to "shape my power" is to be vigilant, and when possible denounce to some degree, negative or demeaning portrayals of women in the media. It shocks me how in this day and age these demeaning portrayals of women exist and are so widely accepted. The way women are portrayed in hip hop videos, pro wrestling, some sitcoms, soap operas, etc. is, IMO, unacceptable. I'll occasionally dash off a letter or an e-mail message, or talk to people about why this stuff bothers me. I know it isn't much and that I can do more. I try to talk to the young women I know and encourage them to be "all they can be" (sorry about the cliche) and be proud of themselves and value themselves.
On a positive note, in the US - regardless of your politics - we are in the midst of a campaign where a woman has the possibility of becoming President! Talk about the opportunity to use the power gained.
Yet when we look to the wrest of the world, there is so much work to be done. The story of Honorata Kizende (left) is both horrifying and inspiring. After surviving the horrific brutality in the Democratic Republic of Congo, she has gone on to serve as a spokeswoman for Women for Women International, doing such important work for women worldwide. My God, I don't know I would be strong enough to survive what so many of these women have, let alone go on to do the kind of work they do.
On this day, if you're a woman, think about how you can "shape your power".
Labels: Current Events, Women
Labels: Diabetes, Guest Shuffle, Happy Happy Joy Joy, The Lola Shuffle
Labels: Current Events, Political Cartoons, Politics
Labels: 2008 Presidential Elections, Current Events, Politics
In thinking carefully about the strengths of the candidates, I stunned myself
when I came to the following conclusion: that in addition to keen intelligence,
integrity and a rare authenticity, you exhibit something that has nothing to do
with age, experience, race or gender and something I don't see in other
candidates. That something is a creative imagination which coupled with
brilliance equals wisdom. It is too bad if we associate it only with gray hair
and old age. Or if we call searing vision naivete. Or if we believe cunning is
insight. Or if we settle for finessing cures tailored for each ravaged tree in
the forest while ignoring the poisonous landscape that feeds and surrounds it.
Wisdom is a gift; you can't train for it, inherit it, learn it in a class, or
earn it in the workplace--that access can foster the acquisition of knowledge,
but not wisdom.
Labels: 2008 Presidential Elections, Friends, Poetry, Politics, Totally Rockin' Female Bloggers
(If the image doesn't work here's the link.)
It's important. It's horrifying. It has to stop. Pay special attention to the comments about "jokes", it's exactly how I feel.
I came across mention of this clip while reading The South Florida Daily Blog who cited it from You Gotta Start Somewhere.
I have nothing more to add to Ellen's eloquence and heart.
Labels: Current Events, Television