The Music of Bon Jovi
I really like Bon Jovi, but I'm a relatively new fan. I always knew who they were and enjoyed the music enough in the periphery of my life, but within the last 7 years or so, due to my friend's husband I've come to appreciate them more. I even went to see them in concert - I went with my friend's husband and son and it was great! So I was excited, albeit wary, about "Bon Jovi Night" on AI.
So, let's get to it:
Phil: "Blaze of Glory" - WOW! Not among my favorite Bon Jovi songs, but Phil completely sold it! He sounded terrific, strong voice, great energy in the performance, lots of feeling - and he looked good, like he's gained a little weight. I think this was THE performance of the night.
Jordin: "Living on a Prayer" - It had to happen, she had to have a bad night. One of my concerns about tonight was that Bon Jovi doesn't really have "chick songs" or even neutral songs - they are pretty much all guy songs, and Jordin picked a difficult song. She's a talented girl, and arguably a bad night for Jordin is a stellar night for others - but she's Jordin and we've come to expect awesome all the time. I thought she was brave to try such an iconic song, her high notes were good and that she looked beautiful - but this was definitely not her night.
LaKisha: "This Ain't a Love Song" - I'm impressed. She pulled it off - I was really worried about her. I had never heard the song but she did a good job with it. She looked good, her voice was strong and her high notes controlled. Way to go Kiki!
Blake: "You Give Love a Bad Name" - OK, I know a lot of you will disagree, but I thought this was horrible. The primary reason I so actively dislike Blake was because at the start of the season he was *beat-boxing* on everything. He finally stopped doing it, and now he comes back with this crap and does it with an iconic song. I thought it was a nightmare. Oh, and he looks better blond.
Chris: "Wanted: Dead or Alive" - (yawn)...only this kid can make this song boring. He was nasally, he was uninspired, there was no emotion. Bleh. Can we please be done with him yet?
Melinda: "Have a Nice Day" - Again, I was worried, but of course - she nailed it. She did a great job with the song, but once I heard her singing it I wished *she* had sung "Living on a Prayer" - she totally has the voice for it. In this song she seemed to be building up to a great vocal burst that isn't in the song. It was anti-climatic. But she was still wonderful.
Bottom Two: Blake and Chris
Out this week: Blake and Chris.
Labels: American Idol